Signs you may be struggling to cope

Please find some advice below from Samaritans on things to look out for in yourself when you're finding everyday life hard.

Maybe you can't quite put your finger on it, but you’re not feeling okay.

You might be feeling tired more often, be feeling emotional, and you might not want to do the things that you usually enjoy right now.

Struggling to cope with everyday life doesn’t look or feel the same in everyone. We can’t generalise about how it'll make you feel or act.

Samaritans are there to listen. You can call on 116 123, email at or write a letter.

You don’t have to feel suicidal to get in touch. Only 1 person in 5 who calls Samaritans says that they feel suicidal.

Signs to look out for

  • Lacking energy or feeling tired
  • Feeling exhausted all the time
  • Experiencing 'brain fog', find it hard to think clearly
  • Finding it hard to concentrate
  • Feeling restless and agitated
  • Feeling tearful, wanting to cry all the time
  • Not wanting to talk to or be with people
  • Not wanting to do things you usually enjoy
  • Using alcohol or drugs to cope with feelings
  • Finding it hard to cope with everyday things and tasks
  • Experiencing 'burn out'

If you don’t see what you’re feeling on this list, please still get in touch.

Here are also some practical ways to help you cope.