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    ChatHealth is an easy, confidential and anonymous way to ask questions about your health.
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    Our physical and mental health go hand in hand, so finding new ways to take care of your mental wellbeing can boost your mood and help you feel more in control.
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    Need a helping hand? You're not alone.
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    For urgent support if need help with your mental health but its not an emergency you should contact your GP or call NHS 111
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    Worrying about money or work can have a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Here are some things you can do to feel more in control, as well as lots of free support if you need it.
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    Life's always changing, but sometimes we face a big or sudden change that is harder to deal with, whether it's moving home, starting university, having a baby or starting to care for someone.
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    The continuing cost of living crisis is adversely affecting people's physical and mental wellbeing, with vulnerable people and those on lower incomes hit the hardest.
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    Information for 11-18 year olds on exam stress, with advice on how to cope and where to go for support.
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    If you care for another person, it can feel difficult to take time to look after yourself. On this page, we direct you to our information about experiences of caring, tips for your own mental health and where to find support.

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    Please see quick links below about NHS dental services, how to find an NHS dentist and how much treatment costs.
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    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.