1. Report -

    This is a registered nursing home providing long term and respite care services to older people usually over the age of 65 with either physical disabilities (who can no longer stay in their existing accommodation) or Sensory impairment.
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    Please see report on Healthwatch Bedford Borough's recent Enter & View visit to Hepworth House.
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    The visit was announced and was part of the ongoing work programme of Healthwatch Bedford Borough.
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    The visit was announced and was part of the ongoing work programme of Healthwatch Bedford Borough.
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    The visit was announced and was part of the ongoing work programme of Healthwatch Bedford Borough.
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    In June 2023, Healthwatch Bedford Borough began working in partnership with Bedford Borough Council’s Strategic Commissioning and Procurement Team, and Voiceability, Bedford Borough’s chosen advocacy and involvement service. The focus of the activity was to capture the Service User and Carers voice with the local Supported Living provision and co-produce the new Supported Living Framework specification with people accessing these services.
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    The visit was announced and was part of the ongoing work programme of Healthwatch Bedford Borough.
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    The visit was announced and was part of the ongoing work programme of Healthwatch Bedford Borough.
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    Following three years of extensive engagement with local people, Reverend Lloyd Denny, has published the Denny Review into health inequalities across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.