Bedford Borough Launches Healthy Workplace Standards

Bedford Borough Council, in partnership with Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes City Councils, has launched a new set of health and wellbeing standards for local workplaces.
Healthy workplace

The Healthy Workplace Standards are intended to help employers, even the smallest firms who don’t have the resources for a dedicated post or team, support the health and wellbeing of their workforce.

Any local workplace can sign up to the new scheme which invites employers to consider how their organisation is performing across several key measures – from health and safety to inclusive employment.

More than 30 workplaces in the region have already signed up to the Healthy Workplace Standards including Carers In Bedfordshire.

Studies have suggested that each pound spent on workplace health can save many times that for the organisation. Investment in areas such as mental health, physical activity, and leadership skills is proven to reduce sickness absence, improve productivity and reduce recruitment costs.

Cllr Louise Jackson, portfolio holder for Health and Wellbeing said, “With so many pressures on residents and their families right now, it’s important that workplaces do their bit to support their employees. Even small changes can improve the health and wellbeing of your workforce. We are delighted local organisations have already been in touch and we’re looking forward to presenting our first awards in the coming weeks.”

For further information about the Healthy Workplace Standards, please visit our workplace health webpages. Workplaces based in Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes can also contact the regional public health team at:

The Workplace Health Hub is a shared service across Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes and hosted on the Milton Keynes City Council webpages.