We are recruiting right now for new Advisory Board Members and for a Chair

How often do you hear people share their stories of long waits for hospital appointments or short notice cancellations or difficulty in getting to see their GP? Then the really glowing stories where people feel the service they have received at a hospital or from their GP has been brilliant.
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Ever thought ‘…if only people at the top could listen to what’s its actually like for people who are unwell, frail, or vulnerable struggling to access services and what would they change if it was their close family…’ Or to equally tell them ‘…what’s working well and ask why can’t you do some of the same for other services?’

You could just have such opportunities.

Healthwatch Bedford Borough is an independent watchdog, ensuring people’s voices are at the centre of shaping NHS health services and social care services in Bedford Borough.

Healthwatch Bedford Borough was established in April 2013 to bring the voices and experiences of local people to influence the decisions made in their health and social care. We use local people’s voices and experiences to work to influence planners, decision-makers, and service providers in Bedford Borough. The government provides money for each local authority to set up a Healthwatch.  Local Healthwatch organisations have the right to go to places where health and social care is delivered and report what they find.

We are recruiting right now for new Advisory Board Members and for a Chair of the Advisory Board.

Engaging Communities Solutions CIC (ECS) has been awarded the contract to deliver Healthwatch in Bedford Borough from January 2023. 

ECS retains contractual responsibility for the service so takes care of all infrastructure requirements like HR matters and finance. That means the Advisory Board focuses on agreeing on the work programme and providing oversight to ensure the work programme is achieved as well as supporting with the promotion of Healthwatch and collection of intelligence.

There are recruitment packs and role descriptors available for the Advisory Board Members and Chair positions.

The recruitment packs give details of the recruitment process, further information about Healthwatch Bedford Borough, the role of the Advisory Board Members and Chair plus how to apply.

If you would like an informal chat about the roles, please contact Elizabeth Learoyd either by phone or text at 07776090003 (answerphone outside office hours) or email: elizabeth.learoyd@weareecs.co.uk

HAB Chair recruitment pack

Healthwatch Bedford Borough Advisory Board Chair Recruitment Pack

Healthwatch Bedford Borough Advisory Board Chair Role Description and Personal Specification

Safeguarding Statement

Self Declaration form

HAB Member recruitment pack

Healthwatch Bedford Borough Advisory Board Member Recruitment Pack

Healthwatch Bedford Borough Advisory Board Member Role Description and Personal Specification

Safeguarding Statement

Self Declaration form

The closing date for applications is Thursday 13th April 2023